Game changer for routine multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) assays
Accuracy & precision-
Together, these parameters measure the total error of the assay, resulting in an unbeatable LOQ in the matrix as routine on the EVOQ LC-TQ.
Analyze thermally labile molecules at high flow rates with the vacuum insulated probe (VIP) heated electrospray probe.
MRM method builder, designed by chromatographers, auto-fills MRM transition in intuitive workflow design.
True workflow design—easy to learn, intuitive to use.
Today Bruker is pioneering the migration of technology from research to a commercial laboratory. The EVOQ Elite and EVOQ Qube reflect this design philosophy and solve the hardware and software challenges faced by the quantitative analysis community
Workflow design – Simple, intuitive, powerful
The daily laboratory routine faces constant demands, including following standards and regulations, meeting stringent timelines, and fulfilling various reporting requests. The powerful software suite for the EVOQ LC-TQ series simplifies workflows from sample to report, with instrument and user interfaces that adapt to your needs.
Client-server based software – integrating instruments for high throughput and ease of use
The software integrates acquisition and data handling together and allows the installation to be tailored specifically to the laboratory’s needs. Whether this is one instrument at one station or a centralized server with several mass spectrometers feeding data in from all over the world, the Bruker network maximizes system uptime.
Libraries – User-created or commercial library support
The EVOQ GC-TQ gives users the freedom to create an unlimited number of libraries to share with partners around the world, which can be shared between different clients from one or more servers. The use of pre-determined libraries and databases commercially available in NIST format represents a substantial time-saving.
MRM Method Builder – Designed by chromatographers
The EVOQ LC-TQ’s autofill function removes the need to know the MRM transition of an analyte. A simple drag-and-drop of the compound from the factory-installed compound library, which contains more than 3000 MRM transitions, lets the software set up the method and manage the TQ duty cycle.
The EVOQ LC-TQ delivers MRM assays with exceptional sensitivity and accuracy
Easily obtain ultra-high sensitivity for small molecules and biomolecules as a result of the innovative
interlaced quadrupole (IQ) dual ion funnel.
Confidently run matrix-rich samples on the robust orifice plate-based API interface.
Efficiently analyze thermally labile molecules at high flow rates with the vacuum insulated probe (VIP) heated electrospray probe.
Save time using exception-based data-review software that makes it easier to highlight chromatograms that do not meet preset method criteria.
Accuracy and Precision
The EVOQ LC-TQ routinely achieves an unbeatable limit of quantitation (LOQ) in matrix.
While accuracy is the measure of the closeness of the experimental value of the actual amount of the target analyte in matrix (a measure of systematic bias), precision is how well the experimental values agree with each other (a measure of random error). Together these parameters measure the total error of the assay, which in turn determines the LOQ.
Food Analysis and Testing
Ideal for testing for pesticide and veterinary drug residues, and other contaminants in food products. The high MRM speed allows high throughput chromatography testing, delivering a wide scope of applications and unprecedented flexibility.
Environmental Analysis
The MRM software databases allow the simple setup of methods to screen and quantify hundreds of compounds, even those detected in low amounts.
Forensic Toxicology
Body fluids are amongst the toughest matrices for analysis. The EVOQ GC-TQ series delivers sustained sensitivity and robustness to meet the unique challenges of forensic analysis while minimizing maintenance downtime.
Targeted Metabolomics
The software suite brings the EVOQ GC-TQ system in line with Bruker’s well-known instrumentation and software for Metabolomics and Phenomics investigations. Users can now integrate data from every Bruker instrument using the same workflows.
Specification sheet:
Mode | Test | Specification |
Positive ESI MRM MRM transition m/z 609 to m/z 195 | 1 pg Reserpine injected | S/N ≥ 100,000:1 |
Negative ESI MRM* MRM transition m/z 321 to m/z 152 | 0.5 pg Chloramphenicol injected | S/N ≥ 40,000:1 |
* negative ESI measurements are part of final test |
Dimensions (H x W x D) and Weight
· Mass Spectrometer: 53 cm (H) x 45 cm (W) x 70 cm (D), 200 lbs/91kg
Analyzer – EVOQ Qube Specifications
· Mass range (m/z): 10 – 1250 Da
· Scan modes: Full Scan with Q1 and Q3; Precursor Ion Scan, Product Ion Scan, Neutral Loss Scan,
Selected Ion Monitoring (SIM), Multiple Reaction Monitoring (MRM)
· Standard ionization modes: Electrospray Ionization (ESI), Heated Electrospray Ionization (HESI),
Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization (APCI)
· Ion source: Fixed 90° spray, single housing for ESI, HESI and APCI
· Cone gas orifice temperature: 350 °C maximum
· HESI and APCI Source temperature: 750 °C maximum
· Quadrupoles with pre-and post-filters
· Collision cell: 180° curved path with lens-free design
· Collision cell gas: Argon with software selectable pressure up to 3.5 mTorr
· Collision energy: 75 eV maximum
· Scan rate: up to 20,000 Da/sec
· Minimum dwell times: 1 ms
· Number of MRM acquisitions: 600 MRM’s/sec
· HESI and APCI polarity switch time: 25 ms
· Resolution: user-adjustable from 0.7 – 4 Da, also with four user-selectable settings
(Unit, Standard, Open, Custom) on both Q1 and Q3.
· Mass axis stability: <±0.1 Da over 48 hours with temperature variations ± 3 °C (15 – 33 °C)
· Detector: Electron multiplier with ±5 kV post acceleration
· Direction collection on the multiplier for negative ion detection without a dynode
· Dynamic range: 5 orders
· Turbomolecular pump: Three-stage, 25/300/400 L/sec
· Roughing pump: One single stage 40 meter³/hour pumps
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